Lesley Wevers and Steven te Brinke. Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Poly-Y. 26th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, BNAIC 2014, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. November 2014. (talk slides)
Lesley Wevers, Matthijs Hofstra, Menno Tammens, Marieke Huisman and Maurice van Keulen. Towards Online and Transactional Schema Transformations. Technical Report. University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. November 2014.
Wanno Drijfhout, Oliver Jundt, Lesley Wevers and Djoerd Hiemstra. Traitor: Associating Concepts using the World Wide Web. Demonstrator Paper. Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop, DIR 2013, Delft, the Netherlands. April 2013.
Ismênia Galvão, Eduardo Zambon, Arend Rensink, Lesley Wevers and Mehmet Aksit. Knowledge-based Graph Exploration Analysis. Fourth International Symposium on Applications of Graph Transformation with Industrial Relevance, AGTIVE 2011, Budapest, Hungary. October 2011.